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Indulás: 2016-11-30

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Christina Aguilera covers Cosmopolitan Magazine

  2018.08.23. 14:00

Christina Aguilera is on the cover of  Cosmopolitan Magazine October Issue. This issue will hit newsstands on September 4!



  2018.08.15. 11:30



Christina Aguilera performs at Allstate Gala 2018 in Dublin, Ireland on August 8

  2018.08.09. 04:55


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Christina Aguilera: Max has an incredible voice

  2018.08.03. 23:50


Christina Aguilera’s son Max has an “incredible voice”.

The ‘Genie in a Bottle’ hitmaker says her 10-year-old son – who she shares with music producer Jordan Bratman – is an amazing singer and she would support him if he wanted to follow in her footsteps.

In a Q & A on Twitter, she said: “Summer and I stick to our Disney songs together, BUT, my son Max actually has an incredible voice – he doesn’t showcase it a lot – but I caught him singing Maria the other day, and he was pitch perfect. He definitely has talent there if he ever wants to do anything w/ it #xtinaQA (sic)”

Meanwhile, Christina previously confessed her daughter Summer Rain, three – who she has with Matthew Rutler – isn’t a fan of her singing.

She said: “When I’m doing my vocal warm-ups, she slams the door and goes, ‘You’re interrupting Peppa Pig!’ It’s hilarious.”

And the 37-year-old singer has been hesitant about getting back on the road because of her children.

She said: “The last time I was on tour, I was pregnant with my son onstage, so I was about to give birth. At a certain point I had to stop touring for safety reasons. You get to a certain point [where] you have to stop. Ever since then I was like, ‘How do people do this with kids and touring?’ But, you know, it’s time for mama to get back to what I was born to do.


BAZAAR ICONS 2018: The First Families of Music

  2018.08.02. 20:00


“I love being mama bear and providing support, strength, and a safe haven to my babies and loved ones, knowing that, above all else, it’s the most important job I have.”
-Christina Aguilera-

From Bruce Springsteen & Kanye West, to Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey, the greats of rock, pop, and rap come together with their promising offspring and prove that the legacy lives on.

Sneak Peek: Christina Aguilera covers Harper’s Bazaar UK issue

Christina Aguilera will be on the cover of United Kingdom (September) issue Harper’s Bazaar magazine and Xtina will be announcing her Liberation Tour dates in this issue

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